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About Me

To the Wanderer of Shores and Seas,


Ye have uncovered a bottle that holds the sorrowful origin of a sailor's curse. I am that very sailor, once a man of the sea, now a prisoner of a spell most cruel. Picture, if ye will, a man flung from his ship by the wrath of Poseidon, awakening on the shore, not to salvation, but to a fate far more bitter.


In the grand voyage of my life, I've been a painter of the sea's daughters, their beauty my muse. 'Twas a joyous madness that they indulged in my art! These maidens, captured in the essence of my brush, were the beloveds in my paradise of canvas and color. Each one, a willing participant in the dance of my madness, a cherished lover in my gallery of dreams.


But let me not tarry with tales of my artistry. Instead, I shall recount the fateful encounter that sealed my doom—a tale steeped in the enchantment of the deep, the folly of love, and the dark humor of a pirate's curse.


Envision me, a hearty sailor, cast overboard during a tempest's fury, my body surrendered to the caprice of the waves. As fate would have it, I awoke upon the sands, the kiss of life breathed into me not by the lips of a rescuer, but by a creature of legend—a mermaid, her eyes reflecting the depths from whence she came.


In the days that followed, love blossomed between the mermaid and I, a love as deep as the ocean she called home. Her laughter was the melody of the tides, her touch, the warmth of the sun upon the sea. And yet, as we drew close for our first kiss, a truth most harsh revealed itself—my essence was too brined with the salt of the sea, too seasoned by the sun and the wind.


With a sorrowful gaze, she whispered a curse, borne of love's despair. "For a heart too salty for love's tender embrace, a curse shall befall thee. As long as the sea's salt courses through thy veins, madness shall claim thy mind, piece by piece, until naught but the echo of thy soul remains."


And so, I was condemned to wander, a ghost upon the waves, seeking a love that would forever elude me. Each day that passes without the solace of a true heart's embrace, I feel the tendrils of madness pulling at my mind, taunting me with visions of beauty just beyond reach.


This letter, encased in glass and set adrift, is a fragment of my once-whole being, a testament to the love I found and the curse that followed. May it serve as a warning to those who tread the line between the sea's embrace and the folly of the heart.


Yours in the endless voyage of the damned,



5.9°C / 42.6°F

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